BSAEU B.Ed 2nd Semester Practicum || Course: 1.2.3 (Learning and Teaching)By DAS Coaching / October 15, 2024 Buy Practicum || Course: 1.2.3 (Learning and Teaching) || Method Subject Wise Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: BENGALICategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Click here Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: ENGLISHCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Click here Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: SANSKRITCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Click here Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: HINDICategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Click here Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: HISTORYCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: GEOGRAPHYCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: POLITICAL SCIENCECategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: ECONOMICSCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: EDUCATIONCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: COMMERCECategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: SOCIOLOGYCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: PHILOSOPHYCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: PSYCHOLOGYCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: MUSICCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: FINE ARTSCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: PHYSICAL SCIENCECategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: LIFE SCIENCECategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: COMPUTER SCIENCE & APPLICATIONCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi Practicum Topic: Microteaching Practical throught simulation mode. (Five Lessons in 5 Skills)Course: 1.2.3, Learning and TeachingMethod Subject: MATHEMATICSCategory: PDFPrice: 20/- OnlyBuy this Practicum (Available in 3 Languages) Bengali English Hindi প্র্যাকটিকাম সম্পর্কিত অথবা কলেজ কেন্দ্রিক পয়েন্ট অনুযায়ী লেখার জন্য আমাদেরক ডাইরেক্ট ম্যাসেজ করুন। (Direct message us for practicum related or college centric point wise writing.) Massage Me Back